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Social Media Insights
Top 10 Influential People In Marketing

Top 10 Influential People In Marketing

Here is a list of 10 influential people in marketing:

  1. Philip Kotler: Often referred to as the “father of modern marketing,” Kotler is a leading authority on marketing strategy and has written numerous books on the subject.
  2. Seth Godin: Godin is a bestselling author and marketing expert who focuses on the power of ideas to change the world.
  3. David Ogilvy: Ogilvy is considered one of the founders of modern advertising, and his book “Ogilvy on Advertising” is considered a classic in the field.
  4. Steve Jobs: As the co-founder and CEO of Apple, Jobs was known for his innovative approach to marketing and branding.
  5. Dan Ariely: Ariely is a behavioral economist and bestselling author who has written extensively about the psychology of consumer behavior.
  6. Gary Vaynerchuk: Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and digital marketing expert who is known for his use of social media to build brands.
  7. Martin Lindstrom: Lindstrom is a bestselling author and branding expert who has worked with some of the world’s biggest companies.
  8. Ries and Trout: Al Ries and Jack Trout are marketing consultants and authors who are known for their concept of positioning.
  9. Simon Sinek: Sinek is a bestselling author and motivational speaker who is known for his “Golden Circle” concept of why, how, and what.
  10. Malcolm Gladwell: Gladwell is a bestselling author and journalist who has written extensively about the psychology of consumer behavior and decision-making.

Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as Gary Vee, is a serial entrepreneur and digital marketing expert who is known for his use of social media to build brands. Vaynerchuk grew up working in his family’s retail wine business, and he used social media and other digital tools to help grow the business from $3 million to $60 million in annual sales. In 2009, he founded VaynerMedia, a digital marketing agency that has worked with companies such as GE, Toyota, and Anheuser-Busch. Vaynerchuk is also a bestselling author and host of the popular business and marketing show “The GaryVee Audio Experience.” He is known for his energetic and no-nonsense approach to business and marketing, and he has a large following on social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube.

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