• 856-343-8311
  • daniel@edm-az.com
  • Tempe, Arizona

Top 10 Influential People In Marketing

Here is a list of 10 influential people in marketing: Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as Gary Vee, is a serial entrepreneur and digital marketing expert who is known for his use of social media to build brands. Vaynerchuk grew up working in his family’s retail wine business, and he used social media and other digital tools to help grow the…

QuickBooks: The Ultimate Solution for Small and Medium Businesses

As a small or medium business owner, managing finances and bookkeeping can be a daunting task. From creating invoices to tracking expenses, it can become overwhelming to keep track of everything manually. Fortunately, QuickBooks has revolutionized the way small and medium businesses manage their finances. QuickBooks is a software package developed by Intuit that offers a range of solutions for…

History of Digital Marketing and Advertising

Digital marketing and advertising refer to the use of digital technologies and platforms, such as the internet, mobile devices, and social media, to promote products and services. Digital marketing and advertising have become increasingly important in recent years, as more and more people are using the internet and digital technologies to search for information and make purchasing decisions. The history…

Facebook Lookalike Audiences

A lookalike audience is a group of people who have similar characteristics to your existing customers or website visitors. For example, if you have a list of email addresses for people who have made a purchase from your online store, you can use a lookalike audience to find people who have similar interests, demographics, or behaviors to those customers. Lookalike…

Facebook Custom Audiences

A custom audience is a group of people who have already interacted with your business in some way. This could be through visiting your website, engaging with your social media accounts, or making a purchase from your online store. By targeting a custom audience, you can reach people who are already familiar with your brand, and who are therefore more…

Stick with Your Concept but Do Your Homework

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to stick with your concept and believe in your vision. However, it’s equally important to do your homework and conduct thorough research before launching your product or service. Doing your homework means researching your market, understanding your target audience, and analyzing your competition. This will help you identify potential gaps in the market and ensure…